On 28.11 the gym will only be open from 12:15 to 15:30.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to lack of interest, we are closing classes from 25.11: TBC & stretching - Monday 14:00-15:30
Go to website: dziennikwf.kozminski.edu.pl
Log in with your student data and check how many PE attendances you already have.
30 Days GYM | 1 semester SEMESTER PASS | 1 Year ANNUAL PASS | 1 Day ONE CLASS |
Head of Sport Office MA Marek Wołkowycki
AZS chairman
contact: ap@kozminski.edu.pl
Certified instructor with a fitness specialization (2010), instructor of physical recreation with a specialty in Pilates (2013), personal trainer, bodybuilding instructor. She participated in numerous trainings and workshops e.g.: step, TMT, Zumba, stretching, sports nutrition.
Runs interval and strength training classes, Pilates as well as stretching.
In order to do diverse and effective exercises during the training Anna uses a variety of athletic gear (dumbbells, steps, rubbers, medicine balls) as well as puts great emphasis on proper exercise technique. She gets satisfaction from the visible health improvement and well-being of people attending her classes.
Fitness is her passion and lifestyle.
Playing bridge for more than 30 years, throughout this period constantly competing and retraining his skills both ways - theoretically and practically. However, mainly succeed as a trainer - his students are representing Poland in Junior’s category and are gold winners of in World Junior Championships.
He took Kozminski Bridge since 2010 and started building a team around a pair of Rector ALK Witold Bielecki - Grandmaster Przemysław Janiszewski. The aim was to gain medals on Polish Academic Championships. The goal has been achieved three years later, when we won the silver medal in the Open category at Polish Academic Championships, and achieved same result in 2014.
Currently in this sport section plays:
Bodybuilding trainer, II class. Instructor of functional training, TRX and BOSU. In Kozminski also coaches American football team of Class B.
Personal trainer since 2011; from 2007 to 2013 years was physical preparation coach in the American football team Warsaw Spartans, from 2013 physical preparation coach in Warsaw Sharks - American football team.
American Football career: since 2007 assistant of defense coach in Warsaw Spartans, 2012 Chief Coach of the Junior Team Warsaw Spartans, 2013 - Chief Coach of the Junior Team Warsaw Sharks (preparatory period), from 2014 Coach Chief Kozminski Leons.
Dyplomowana instruktorka Reebok Poland rekreacji ruchowej ze specjalnością fitness (2012). Absolwentka Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie o specjalizacji Kinezygerontoprofilaktyka oraz Trener Personalny.
Jest charyzmatyczną, energiczną, uśmiechniętą i pełną optymizmu osobą. Sport towarzyszy jej przez całe życie.
Może poszczycić się licznymi uprawieniami: Aqua Instruktor, Instruktor narciarstwa czy Instruktor Nordic Walking.
Rodzaj zajęć, które prowadzi to formy wzmacniające np. TBC czy ABT oraz mentalne typu Pilates czy Zdrowy Kręgosłup. Na zajęciach łączy pracę z pasją, bardzo ceni sobie kontakt z ludźmi a w szczególności ich zaangażowanie i motywację na sali podczas treningu. Dba, aby wykonywane ćwiczenia były prawidłowo wykonywane przez wszystkich uczestników.
Zajęcia ze nią gwarantują pełną satysfakcję, dużo endorfin i poprawę humoru na cały tydzień!